Method for Renaissance Lute – Andrea Damiani

This manual is a guide to the study of the Renaissance lute, taking the student on a step-by-step journey through technical matters and exercises of increasing difficulty. It is aimed at both the beginner and those who would like to improve their own technique.
A method for the Renaissance Lute by Peter Croton

A method for Renaissance lute by Peter Croton, an American lute player who has been teaching at the Schola Cantorum in Basel for many years. Peter Croton is also president of the Deutsche Lautengesellschaft.
There is a supplement on the archlute or archiliuto, an instrument with the same tuning but with a more extensive bass register. This method uses both the French tablature with letters and the Italian tablature with numbers.
To fully comprehend the method, Peter Croton has put some videos on Youtube in which he shows exactly what he means with all the technical exercises he describes. Images with sound still say more than words alone.
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This method is for beginners, including young people, as well as at ‘the lute player for years’ who still wants to brush up on his technique. Croton actually starts from the voice, the accents that we use every day when speaking or singing. He uses historical sources as musical examples and also tells us about the rhetoric that goes with this music. The arm, wrist and finger movements must be taught as efficiently as possible from an anatomical ergonomic point of view, everyone plays from their own personal physiognomy. Finally, there is also the mental training that is needed to control and steer the whole thing.
The book has been published in the didactic music series of Le Luth Doré.
Method for the Baroque Lute – Miguel Serdoura

A practical guide for beginning and advanced lutenists