
Belgian Lute Academy Editions

Quarterly magazine Geluit – Luthinerie

Geluit – Luthinerie was published from march 1998 until June 2024. The magazines are still available in our member area. From now on we will be cooperating with the Dutch Lute Society. Our members will also have access to the Dutch Lute Societies’ member area.

>> read the last magazines from 2023 for free


Yearbooks were published from 2009 until 2023 and are still available on our members page. They contain articles that can be both musicological and historical, but which always have a connection with the lute and its history.

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Below, you can search for the articles or music put in alphabetical order by author. Click on “articles” or “music” for easier consulting or downloading the lists.

Publications in cooperation with the Belgian Lute Academy

The lute in Antwerp during the Ancien Régime

Musicologist Godelieve Spiessens wrote a series of articles “Lutenists of Antwerp” exclusively for Geluit. As the culmination of this series, the Belgian Lute Academy is publishing Ms Spiessens book: The lute in Antwerp during the Ancien Regime.

This work provides an overview of lute references from their earliest mention in the Antwerp archives.

Ms Spiessens has established that Antwerp was home to an important school of lute playing, with as its foremost proponents Emanuel Adriaenssen, Joachim van den Hove, Adrian Denss, and Gregory Huwet. Her conclusions are amply reinforced with illustrations of lutes and lutenists by Antwerp Masters.

The publication also contains the very first lute instruction books published in Antwerp. Ms Spiessens transcribed the ‘Livre Plaisant’ (1529) en ‘Dit is een seer Schoon Boecxke’ (1568) in modern notation, thus making them available for a broad public.

The text has been translated into English, French, and German.

De Zuidelijke Nederlanden en de Luitmuziek (13de – 18de eeuw)

uitgeverij Universitas ISBN 9789033701535, Antwerpen 2018, 154 p.

Uitgave in eigen beheer, juni 2018.

30€ (without shipping costs)


Twelve songs for Renaissance Lute with seven strings (Thysius manuscript)

tablature & notes by Christine Ballman

EUR 6,00 for sendings in Europe.

Cello Suite BMW 1008 Johann Sebastian Bach

tablature for baroque lute & fingering by Agnès Tamignaux

EUR 6,00 for sendings in Europe.

German and Italian dances from the end of the 16th century

Pieces from the mss Stuttgart (Mss.GI4/11-13.) and Genova (Bibliotheca Universitaria, Ms. F. VII.1)
Transcr. & Comm. by Dr Christine Ballman

EUR 6,00 for sending in Europe.

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  • Belgique: EUR 8,10
  • Europe: EUR 14


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